Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Eve Bobalky (Opekance) with Poppy Seeds / Štedrovečerné Bobaľky (Opekance) s Makom

In the video I've made one half of the batch with only one cup of poppy seeds. That's enough for 3 very-hungry, or 4 average-hungry people. Bobalky are absorbing water very slowly. The sooner you'll begin preparing, the better chance you'll have it ready for the Christmas Eve dinner. The finished texture resembles bread pudding consistency.
Vo videu som pripravila iba polovicu bobaliek s jedným pohárom maku. To postačí pre 3 veľmi hladné, alebo 4 priemerne hladné osoby. Bobaľky nasiakávajú vodou iba veľmi pomaly. Čím skôr ich ráno zalejete, tým väčšiu máte šancu, že do večere budú hotové. Ich hotová konzistencia sa podobá konzistencii chlebu v žemľovke.  

Christmas Eve Bobalky (Opekance) with Poppy Seeds

For bobalky:
500 g flour, plus more for dusting
1 sachet (7 g) of dried yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar
about 250 ml milk, warm
1 egg

For poppy seeds:
2 cups (500 ml) poppy seeds, ground
1 cup (250 ml) granulated sugar

neutral oil for greasing baking trays

Put all the ingredients for the dough (with a half of milk) into a large bowl and knead the dough (about 10 minutes). Add more milk only if needed. The dough should be a little stiffer (drier) than normal.
Cover the bowl with a clean table cloth and let it rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Divide the dough into small parts and let them rise sitting on the worktop for about 1/2 an hour.
Pre-grease 2 baking trays.
Preheat oven to 220˚C.
Cut off a piece of a doug, roll out or pull it out to about a 1 - 2 cm thick log, then cut it into 1 - 2 cm long pieces. Throw the pieces directly onto the baking sheets. Don't let them to touch one another. Let bobalky rise for another 15 minutes.
Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Store in a cool and dry place, in an opened container for up to 3 months.

On Christmas Eve morning rinse bobalky in a colander with some boiling water to get rid of the flour.
Transfer bobalky into a bowl. Sprinkle with poppy seeds and sugar, then pour over some water so that the water covers bobalky as much as possible. Stir.
Stir and taste several times per day. If the water is absorbed and bobalky seem too dry, add water, if not sweet enough, add sugar.
Bobalky are done when all the water is absorbed, sugar is dissolved and bobalky are completely soft and evenly coated in poppy seeds.

6 to 8 servings


Štedrovečerné Bobaľky (Opekance) s Makom

Na bobaľky:
500 g polohrubej múky (môže byť aj hladká), plus viac na pomúčenie
1 vrecko (7 g) sušeného droždia
1/2 lyžičky soli
1 1/2 lyžice kryštalového cukru
asi 250 ml mlieka, teplé
1 vajce

Na mak:
2 poháre (500 ml) maku, mletý
1 pohár (250 ml) kryštalového cukru

neutrálny olej na vymastenie plechov na pečenie

Dajte všetky ingrediencie na cesto (iba polovicu mlieka) do veľkej misy a vymieste cesto (asi 10 minút).  Mlieko prilievajte iba podľa potreby. Cesto by malo byť o trocha tuhšie (suchšie), než bežne.
Misu prikryjte čistou utierkou a dajte podkysnúť na 1 hodinu na teplé miesto.
Rozdeľte cesto na menšie bochníky a nechajte podkysnúť na pracovnej doske ešte 1/2 hodiny.
Olejom vymastite 2 plechy na pečenie.
Predhrejte rúru na 220˚C
Odkrojte kus z bochníka, vyšúľajte, prípadne vytiahnite ho na asi 1 - 2 cm šúľok, ktorý nakrájate na 1 - 2 cm kúsky. Tie voľne hádžte na plech tak, aby sa navzájom nedotýkali. Nechajte na plechu podkysnúť 15 minúť.
Pečte v rúre 10 minút, alebo kým nie su zlato-hnedej farby.
Skladujte na chladnom a suchom mieste, v otvorenej nádobe aj 3 mesiace.

V štedrovečerné ráno prepláchnite bobaľky v cedníku horúcou vodou, aby ste ich zbavili múky.
Bobaľky dajte do misky a zalejte prevarenou vodu tak, aby boli čím najviac pod vodou, nie však viac. Prisypte mak a cukor, premišajte.
Premiešávajte a ochutnávajte niekoľkokrát do dňa. Ak je voda vsiaknutá a bobaľky sa zdajú byť príliš suché, dolejte vodu, ak su málo sladké, dosypte cukor. 
Bobaľky su hotové ak je všetka voda vsiaknutá, cukor je rozpustený a bobaľky su úplne mäkké a súvisle obalené v maku. 

6 - 8 porcií


  1. I love the video, I want to make some as well, but I know that it's not as easy as it looks. Great work! And the bowl with hands - awesome!

  2. Dear Marta,

    your photos are gorgeous! I'm sure you could figure it out. And if not, come back and ask ...

    All the best!

  3. Oh, my favorite! Akurat ze u nas sa zalievaju prevarenym mliekom, nie vodou :)

  4. these look good. i've never heard of them. thanks for sharing!

  5. :) A very special dessert, indeed !
