Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baked Apples 2.0 / Pečené Jablká 2.0

This traditional fall desert is also called "apples in a bathrobe". I guess, it looks snug all wrapped in a dough...
Try this version, too.
Tento tradičný jesenný dezért sa tiež volá "jablká v župane". Asi preto, že vyzerajú byť veľmi pohodlne zabalené do cesta...
Skúste aj túto verziu.

Baked Apples 2.0

6 smaller apples, peeled
500 g pâte brisée

powder sugar for dusting

Preheat owen to 190˚C.
Roll out the dough to about 3mm thick.
Cut a strip of a dough, 3cm wide, along two sides of the dough. Take peeled apple, start to cover it with a strip of dough in a spiral fashion, starting at the top. Close tight at the bottom, place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Bake for about 50 minutes, or until golden brown.

Makes 6 apples

Pečené Jablká 2.0

6 menších jabĺk, ošúpané
500 g hotového cesta na koláč

práškový cukor na posypanie

Predhrejte rúru na 190˚C.
Cesto vyvaľkajte na hrúbku asi 3 mm.
Odrežte pruh cesta, 3 cm široký, pozdĺž dvoch strán. Vezmite ošúpané jablko, začnite hore a špirálovite ho obaľujte tak, aby sa pruhy cesta navzájom prekrývali. Zavrite dno a položte na plech vystlaný papierom na pečenie.
Pečte asi 50 minút, alebo dozlatista.

6 jabĺk

1 comment:

  1. wow! How beautiful. Marvellous pictures. They look so snug and safe wrapped in the dough. Thank you for sharing this :)
