Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sauerkraut in a small batch (Basic Recipe) / Kyslá Kapusta v malom (Základný Recept)

The easiest way to sterilize a glass or ceramic jar is to wash it in the normal way and then, while still wet, put it in the microwave on full power for one minute. Be careful as the container will be hot.
You can mix other spices, vegetables even fruits to your sauerkraut. For example, bay leaf, allspice, peppercorns, onion, horseradish, carrot, apple, .... not only that each region, but each family has its own combination.
Sklenenú, alebo keramickú nádobu si môžete sterilizovať najjednoduchšie tak, že ju umyjete normálnym spôsobom a ešte mokrú ju dáte do mikrovlnky na plný výkon na jednu mintútu. Pozor, nádoba bude horúca.
Do kyslej kapusty si môžete primiešať aj iné korenia, zeleninu, ba aj ovocie. Napríklad bobkový list, nové korenie, celé čierné korenie, cibuľu, chren, mrkvu, jablká, .... nie len že každý kraj, ale aj každá rodina zvykne mať vlastnú kombináciu.


1 kg cabbage
20 g salt
1 1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds

Clean the cabbage heads from stalks and damaged parts. Leave a few whole leaves for later.
Chop or grate cabbage as fine as you can (2-3 mm).
Season with salt. Sprinkle with caraway seeds.
Press and knead the grated cabbage until it releases some juice (about 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the amount). The cabbage will wither a bit, slightly change color and will foam.
Press the cabbage, along with the juice, in layers into sterilized jars. Try to squeeze all the air out. Finally, fold over an entire cabbage leave on the top, for protecting from air. All the cabbage should be submerged in the juice. If you don't have enough of the juice, add boiled water to the jar. Place the lid on the top and place some weight over it. Do not close the lid tight. Allow the fermentation process take place without restriction.
Put the jars in a bowl or on a plate, because some liquids will be released during fermentation. Leave to mature for about 1 1/2 - 3 weeks at the temperature of up to 23˚C. The colder, the longer.
Regularly check the fermentation process, especially that the cabbage is submerged the whole time and has no contact with air.
Once you reach the desired acidity and taste of your sauerkraut, seal the lid and place the jars in the refrigerator.

Two 1 liter jars made out of 2 kg of cabbage.


Kyslá kapusta

1 kg kapusty
20 g soli
1 1/2 lyžičky celej rasce

Kapustné hlavy očistite od poškodených častí a hlúbika. Nechajte si zopár celých listov na prikrytie.
Nakrájajte, alebo nastrúhajte kapustu na najjemnejšie ako viete (2 - 3 mm).
Osoľte. Prisypte rascu.
Stláčajte a hneťte nastrúhanú kapustu, kým nepustí šťavu (asi 2 - 3 minúty, podľa množstva). Kapusta takto troška uvädne, jemne zmení farbu a začne peniť.
Kapustu, spolu so šťavou, vtláčajte po vrstvách do sterilizovaných nádob. Snažte sa vytlačiť všetok vzduch. Nakoniec preložte celým listom, chrániacim pred kontaktom so vzduchom. Všetká kapusta by mala byť ponorená pod šťavou. Ak máte šťavy málo, dolejte nádobu prevarenou vodou. Navrch položte vrchnák a zaťažte ho. Vrchnák neutesnite, aby mohol proces kvasenia prebiehať bez obmedzenia.
Nádobu vložte do misky, alebo na tanier, lebo počas kvasenia sa bude uloľňovať tekutina. Nechajte zrieť asi 1 1/2 - 3 týždne pri teplote do cca 23˚C. Čím chladnejšie, tým dlhšie.
Proces kvasenia pravidelne kontrolujte, hlavne aby bola kapusta celý čas ponorená a nemala kontakt so vzduchom.
Akonáhle dosiahne kyslá kapusta požadovanú kyslosť, vrchnák utesnite a preložte kyslú kapustu do chladničky.

Z dvoch kíl kapusty dve 1l fľaše.


  1. thanks for sharing :-)

  2. thank u soo much!! How long is it still good, how long will it last? and after I open the jar do i have to refrigerate?

  3. Thanks!
    You leave the jar on your countertop at first to ferment - jar opened, until it is sour to your liking. Only after that you may close the jar and put it into the fridge.
    If everything is done well (sterile jars, air not reaching the cabbage, proper fermentation process) your sauerkraut should last throughout the whole winter. (If you've made enough, that is.) :)
    Good luck and have fun!!!
