Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Marzipan (Basic Recipe) / Marcipán (Základný Recept)

In this form, marzipan is mostly used for decorating, or as a center of chocolate pralines. Marzipan can be colored using food coloring. Other recipes using this home made marzipan will be following. When working with marzipan use powder sugar.
V tejto podobe môžete marcipán použiť hlavne na zdobenie, alebo ako stred čokoládových praliniek. Marcipán môžete farbiť potravinárskymi farbami. Ďalšie recepty na použitie tohoto domáceho marcipánu budú prichádzať postupne. Pri práci s marcipánom na posypanie používajte práškový cukor.

Marzipan (Basic Recipe)

2 3/4 cups blanched almonds
2 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup egg whites (2 eggs)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (or almond) extract (optional)

Using a food processor grind the almonds into a fine powder.
Add in the confectioners sugar and blend well.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl.
Using a wooden spoon blend in the egg whites and vanilla (if using) until all sugar is incorporated.
On a flat surface lightly dusted with confectioners sugar, kneed together, then form a bowl and place it in a plastic bag.
Chill for at least 1 hour. When rested, use.
You can store unused wrapped marzipan in the refrigerator for months.

Makes 650 g of marzipan.


Marcipán (Základný Recept)

2 3/4 pohára lúpaných mandlí
2 1/2 pohára práškového cukru
1/4 pohára bielkov (z 2 vajec)
1/2 lyžičky vanilkového (alebo mandľového) extrakt (nemusí byť)

Pomocou kuchynského robota pomeľte mandle na jemný prášok.
Pridajte cukor a dobre premiešajte.
Presypte zmes do misky.
Pomocou drevenej varechy vmiešajte bielko a vanilku (ak používate), vytvorte jednotnú masu.
Povrch pracovnej dosky ľahko posypte práškovým cukrom, zhneťte hmotu dohromady, vytvarujte guľu a vložte do plastikového vrecka.
Chlaďte aspoň 1 hodinu. Použijte až po vychladení.
Nespracovaný marcipán skladujte zabalený. V chladničke vydrží mesiace.

650 g marcipánu


  1. Wow. I *love* all things marzipan, but it's one of those things I never even considered I could make at home. Amazing! Thanks for the recipe, I'll have to give it a try!

  2. Thanks!
    Please come back soon (Friday). I'll share another marzipan (video) recipe.

  3. These are sooooo beautiful. Do you eat them like candy or use them for decorations?

  4. Thanks!
    Marzipan is an edible decoration, if used like pictured above. It will dry out and become harder, but kinda brittle. It's better to decorate with it.
    Or it could be used as a soft center of chocolate pralines (no air = soft).

  5. These are wonderful!

    I was wondering if you would know where one could buy the moulding stamp for the marzipan? Or the tiny heart cutter! I'd love to be able to find them and give this a go!

  6. Thanks!
    Try here, so far the most beautiful collection I've found:
    Good luck!
