Friday, October 5, 2012

Grape Pie / Hroznový Koláč

If you don't have lard, or you don't want to use it in the recipe, feel free to replace it with butter, so use one cup of butter in here. Lard gives this brittle pastry flaky character, therefore it will be lighter.
Or use store bought crust for pies (pâte brisée).
1 cup - 250 ml
Ak nemáte masť, alebo ju nechcete v recepte použiť, pokojne ju nahraďte maslom, takže použijete jeden pohár masla. Masť dá tomuto krehkému cestu šupinkovitý charakter a koláč bude ľahší.
Prípadne použijte kúpené cesto na koláče (pâte brisée).
1 pohár - 250 ml

Grape Pie

For crust:
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup butter, chilled, diced
1/2 cup lard
1/4 cup cold water

For filling:
500 g seedless grapes

1/2 cup ground almonds
2 teaspoons cinnamon

4 eggs
1/3 cup granulated sugar
250 g sour cream
6 tablespoons double cream

powdered sugar for dusting
butter for greasing

To make the dough use a food processor or pastry blender. "Cut" all the crust ingredients, except water, until the fat is mixed with the flour and small lumps are formed. Then work in some of the water by tablespoons and combine the dough with your hands into a single mass. As soon as a single mas is formed, divide it into 4 parts, put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate for about 1/2 an hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Clean grapes. In a smaller bowl, combine almonds and cinnamon, in another bowl eggs, sugar and sour and double cream.
Butter four 18x10cm baking tins (or 2 circular pie dish ∅ 21 cm).
Preheat oven to 200˚C.
On a lightly floured board roll out the dough to a slightly larger size than the tin is. Carefully place the dough into the tin and cut the excess parts away. Pierce the dough in several places, using a fork. Place baking paper on the top and weight it down with some rice, beans or other legumes. Put the tins in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
Remove the rice and baking paper.
Sprinkle the pre-baked crust with almond-cinnamon mixture and arrange the grapes on top of it. Pour cream mixture over the grapes and sprinkle with the rest of the almonds.
Bake for 40 minutes, or until the cream in set and pastry is golden.
Remove pies from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack. Remove from tins, dust with sugar and serve.

4 pies


Hroznový Koláč

Na cesto:
2 1/2 hrnčeka hladkej múky
1 lyžička soli
1 lyžička cukru
1/2 pohára masla, vychladené, na kocky
1/2 pohára masti
1/4 pohára studenej vody

Na náplň:
500 g hrozna bez kôstok

1/2 pohára mletých mandlí
2 lyžičky škorice

4 vajcia
1/3 pohára kryštalového cukru
250 g kyslej smotany
6 lyžíc smotany na šľahanie

práškový cukor na posypanie
maslo na vymastenie

Na zarobenie cesta použite kuchynský robot, alebo nôž na cesto. "Krájajte" všetky prísady na cesto, okrem vody, kým sa nezmieša tuk s múkou a nevytvoria sa malé hrudky. Potom prilievajte vodu po lyžiciach a rukami spojte cesto do jednej masy. Hneď ako dostanete cesto do jednej hrudky, rozdeľte ho na 4 časti, vložte do plastového vrecka a odložte do chladničky na cca 1/2 hodinu. 
Medzitým si pripravte náplň. Očistite hrozno. V menšej miske zmiešajte mandle a škoricu, v druhej miske vajcia, cukor a kyslú a sladkú smotanu. 
Vymastite maslom 4 koláčové formy 18x10cm (alebo 2 kruhové formy ∅ 21cm).
Predhrejte rúru na 200˚C.
Na zľahka pomúčenej doske vyvaľkajte cesto na o trocha väčší rozmer než je forma. Opatrne vložte cesto do formy, odrežte prebytočné časti a prepychnite na niekoľkých miestach vidličkou. Na cesto položte papier na pečenie a vysypte plochu ryžou, fazuľou, alebo inou strukovinou. Dajte piecť do rúry na 15 minút. 
Vyberte korpusy z rúry a odstráňte strukovinu a papier.
Dno predpečených korpusov vysypte mandľovou zmesou a na vrch poukladajte hrozno. Zalejte hrozno smotanovou zmesou a posypte zvyškom mandlí. 
Pečte 40 minút, alebo kým nie je smotana v pevnom stave a cesto zlatistej farby. 
Vyberte koláče z rúry, nechajte vychladnúť na mriežke, vyberte z formy, pocukrujte a podávajte.

4 koláče

1 comment:

  1. I have made grape pies before but they were more like traditional fruit pies, with no dairy. This sounds so good I think I will have to make a grape pie this weekend. Thank you!
    Robin W
