Friday, October 19, 2012

Fig Cake with Marzipan / Figovník s Marcipánom

This fig cake is tasty, but don't let your nose grow.
Figovník je chutný, len aby nám dlhé nosy nenarástli.

Fig cake with marzipan

For dough:
125 g all purpose flour
75 g cold butter, cubed
25 g brown sugar
2 tablespoon cold water

For filling:
400 g figs, quartered
100 g marzipan
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon double cream

In a bowl of a food processor pulse flour and sugar together. Add butter and make crumbs. Pour in water. Bring the dough on your working surface and knead it using your hands. Combine the pastry into a ball. Wrap in plastic. Chill for 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 180˚C.
Dust a sheet of a baking paper with flour and roll the pastry out shaping a rough circle, about 5mm thick. Transfer the baking parchment on a baking tray.
Arrange small drops of marzipan and the figs in the centre of the circle. Bring the pastry edges up around the fruit and fold over each other in a sort of pleated fashion. Brush the pastry with double cream and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until the pastry is crispy and golden, and the fruit is soft.
Serve with vanilla ice cream, sour cream or drizzled with some honey.

Serves 4 - 6


Figovník s marcipánom

Na cesto:
125 g polohrubej múky
75 g masla, vychladené, na kocky
25 g hnedého cukru
2 lyžice studenej vody

Na plnku:
400 g fíg, rozštvrtených
100 g marcipánu
1 lyžička hnedého cukru
1 lyžica smotany na šľahanie

V miske kuchynského robota krátko mixujte múky a cukor. Pridajte maslo a rozmixujte na omrvinky. Prilejte vodou. Na pracovnej doske sformujte, pomocou rúk, cesto do gule. Vložte do plastového sáčka a chlaďte aspoň hodinu.
Predhrejte rúru na 180˚C.
Vysypte papier na pečenie múkou a vyvaľkajte na ňom cesto v tvare kruhu, do 5 mm hrubé. Preneste papier s cestom na plech.
Poukladajte malé kúsky marcipánu a figy v centre kruhu. Postupne zatvárajte okraje cesta okolo a cez figy tak, že sklady mierne preložíte cez seba. Potrite cesto smotanou a posypte cukrom.
Pečte 35 - 40 minút, alebo kým nie je cesto zlato hnedej farby a ovocie mäkké.
Podávajte s vanilkovou zmrzlinou, kyslou smotanou, alebo medom.

4 - 6 porcií


  1. Not really a Slovak dish, haha

  2. Hmm, how do you know?
    Fig trees are grown in the south parts of Slovakia for centuries and the famous cookbook in slovak language from 1870 (Jan Babilon) has a recipe for marzipan. Besides, you know that my aim isn't to make as pure slovak dishes as possible. But as contemporary, easy and everyday slovak dishes as possible.
    Thank you for reading my blog and come back soon.

  3. Wonderful fig galette. I enjoyed the video too! I have put some together myself so I realize the time and effort it takes in creating one. But they become rather addictive. Beautiful photos and recipes.

  4. Such a beautiful video! I love it

  5. Thank you thyme Sarah and Sarah D!

    I try to make one video a week and post it on Friday. It does take lots of time, and it is addictive, indeed. Especially, when you include a story, mood, props, ... along the cooking :) Like here -

