Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Semolina Porridge with Butter and Cocoa / Krupicová Kaša s Maslom a Kakaom

There are two types of porridge eaters. The first type will stir cocoa and butter into the whole volume, so that each bite contains a perfect composition of all ingredients. The second type is proceeding from one side of plate (or around plate) and is relishing and tasting each ingredient separately in each bite. Which type are you? I admit, I'm both.
This is a recipe for one serving, so if cooking for more, double, triple ... quantities.

Sú dva typy jedáčov kaše. Prvý typ si zamieša kakao a maslo do celého objemu kaše, aby tak každé sústo obsahovalo dokonalú kompozíciu všetkých ingrediencií. Druhý typ postupuje z jednej strany taniera (alebo dookola taniera) a v každom súste si vychutnáva každú ingredienciu zvlášť. Ktorý typ ste Vy? Ja, priznávam, som oba.
Toto je recept na jednu porciu, ak varíte pre viacerých, zdvojnásobte, ztrojnásobte ... množstvá.

Semolina Porridge with Cocoa

For Porridge:
1 cup milk
pinch of salt
2 1/2 - 3 tablespoons semolina
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

For Topping:
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
2 teaspoons cocoa powder
pinch of cinnamon
1 tablespoon butter, melted

Pour milk into a heavy bottom pot, add salt, semolina and sugar. Bring to boil, stirring constantly and cook briefly until thick. Pour porridge into the plates and while still hot sprinkle with cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Pour over melted butter.

Serves 1

Krupicová Kaša s Kakaom


1 šálka mlieka
štipka soli
2 1/2 - 3 lyžice krupice
1 lyžica kryštálového cukru

Na vrch:
1 lyžica práškového cukru
2 lyžičky kakaa
štipka škorice
1 lyžica roztopeného masla

Do hrnca nalejte mlieko, pridajte soľ, krupicu a cukor. Za stáleho miešania priveďte do varu a krátko povarte do zhustnutia. Nalejte kašu na tanier a ešte horúcu ju posypte kakaovým práškom zmiešaným s práškovým cukrom a škoricou. Prelejte rozpusteným maslom.

1 porcia


  1. looks delicious. Is it good for babies (>1yr old)?

  2. Dear friend,

    I'm not an expert on babie's' diet, but I know that this semolina porridge was usually given to babies, just about one year old. Try semolina and milk only, omit all other ingredients and make it thin enough, so you can feed the baby using the milk bottle. It use to be a filling meal just before the bedtime ....
    Let me know how it works!

  3. My best school friend's mum used to make this for after school. She was Czech. We loved it and I have been searching for 50 years for this recipe. It looks exactly the same - thankyou. She also made a poppy seed cake which was delicious, haven't find the same one yet. I'll keep trying. Regards Libby
